Organic Cotton
Organic Cotton
Organic children's clothes
For us at Molo, caring for the environment by doing our part for the future of our children is very important. This is why most of our cotton qualities are responsibly and organically made.
At Molo we use cotton which is either organic, OCS or GOTS* certified organic. But what is the difference? GOTS is a very extensive and far-reaching certification programme, which looks at all aspects of the value chain - from harvesting to the final product, as well as socio-economic factors, such as living wages and not only minimal wage. The term ‘organic cotton’ refers to the yarn from which the products are made.
Read more our two types of organic cotton below.
Shop here
At Molo we use cotton which is either organic, OCS or GOTS* certified organic. But what is the difference? GOTS is a very extensive and far-reaching certification programme, which looks at all aspects of the value chain - from harvesting to the final product, as well as socio-economic factors, such as living wages and not only minimal wage. The term ‘organic cotton’ refers to the yarn from which the products are made.
Read more our two types of organic cotton below.
40 %
Rilder Grass Stripe
40 %
Chloey Classic green
40 %
Rame Water Peace
40 %
Corella Classic green
40 %
Miksi Easy Peacy Vert
40 %
Abbi Notes of Green
40 %
Roxo Love is Love
40 %
Reva Notes of Green
40 %
Jayden 2-pack Grass Smiles
40 %
Rodney Green Helio dye
40 %
Caio Notes of Green
40 %
Amil Garden Dye
40 %
Ever Grass Green
40 %
Memphis Garden Dye
40 %
Forever Grass Green
40 %
Edarko Grass Stripe
40 %
Free Hearts
40 %
Rebecca Classic green
40 %
Chloey Forget Me Not
40 %
Riley Lit dye
40 %
Aster Reef Blue
40 %
Riley Lit
40 %
Clarabelle Forget Me Not
40 %
Riley Big Wave
40 %
Rebecca Forget Me Not
40 %
Riley Wave Maker
40 %
Riley Easy Peacy Pool
40 %
Adian Pool Easy Peacy
40 %
Miksi Pool Easy Peacy
40 %
Rave White
40 %
Ro Basket Colour
40 %
Ralphie Records Dark
40 %
Ralphie Pinball
40 %
Rame Sunset Surfer
40 %
Rame Water Yin Yang
40 %
Raul Ocean Smile
40 %
Raul Earth Kindness
40 %
Riley Make Waves
40 %
Riley Surfboard
40 %
Riley Records Light
40 %
Roxo Tiger sand
40 %
Roxo Beach Dino
40 %
Riley Sprayed Heart
40 %
Riley Visitors
40 %
Riley Pacific
40 %
Riley Boards
40 %
Riley Pinball Light
40 %
Riley I heart Skate
40 %
Rodney Peace Basket
40 %
Rodney Floating Music
40 %
Riley Holiday Island
40 %
Riley Ember Basket
40 %
Riley Beaming Dinos
40 %
Riley Peace out skate
40 %
Rame Halfpipe universe
40 %
Rodney Alien Friends
40 %
Rodney Street Dance
40 %
Rodney Street Dancers
40 %
Riley Positive Sun
40 %
Rubin Black
40 %
Roxo Dance Animals
40 %
Roxo Green Sunset
40 %
Ratata Street Dancers
40 %
Rill Records Dark
40 %
Rube Naturelle
40 %
Rui Holiday Island
40 %
Rui Alien Island
40 %
Arrow Iron Gate
40 %
Aelius Reef Stripe
40 %
Adi Alien Tourists
40 %
Adi Holiday Island
40 %
Adian Street Dance
40 %
Adian Boards
40 %
Adian Basket Neutral
40 %
Adrian Turquoise Blue
40 %
Amil Colourful Dye
40 %
Aster Iron Gate
40 %
Aster Sandy
40 %
Adan On Fire
40 %
Adan Black
40 %
Monti Fire Dye
40 %
Monti Records Light
40 %
Monti Basket Neutral
40 %
Mattis Flame Car
40 %
Mountoo Sunrise Tiger
40 %
Monti Turquoise Blue
40 %
Memphis Colourful Dye
40 %
Miksi Backlit Halfpipe
40 %
Maxx Street Dance
40 %
Maxx Boards
40 %
Maxx Black
40 %
Matt Sour Lemon
40 %
Riley T-Rex Planet
40 %
Riley Strange world
40 %
Riley Fantasy Forest
40 %
Rodney Living Colour
40 %
Rodney Live it Up Lght
40 %
Rube Strange world
40 %
Monte Friendly Dinos
40 %
Ragnhilde Space Cat
40 %
Reinette Confetti
40 %
Ranva Tennis Smile
40 %
Ranva Glitter Palms
40 %
Ranva Pale dawn
40 %
Rhiannon Team 2024
40 %
Rhiannon Pony Club
40 %
Rhiannon Ocean Club
40 %
Rhiannon Sea Shell
40 %
Riley Floral Tennis
40 %
Rachel Tropical Islands
40 %
Rayah With Love
40 %
Road Be wild and Free
40 %
Roxo Sea Shell
40 %
Reniza Meadow Horses
40 %
Runa Green Tea
40 %
Runa Candy Floss
40 %
Rosine Skyride
40 %
Rosine Purple Dusk
40 %
Rosine Confetti
40 %
Bianna Green Tea
40 %
Bianna Candy Floss
40 %
Bina Painted Dots
40 %
Bina Flower Peace
40 %
Brigitte White
40 %
Brigitte Ink Blue
40 %
Brigitte Alpine Glow
40 %
Bonnie Line of Stickers
40 %
Brisali Charleston Floral
40 %
Brenda Group of Hearts
40 %
Brenda Sea Carousel
40 %
Brenda Yin Yang Kitten
40 %
Cayla Wild Horses
40 %
Cayla Watercolours
40 %
Cayla Flower Peace
40 %
Chloey White
40 %
Chloey Black
40 %
Chloey Red Clay
40 %
Chloey Purple Dusk
40 %
Chloey Confetti
40 %
Cloudia Skyride
40 %
Cloudia Purple Pink
40 %
Christiana Pale dawn
40 %
Christiana Purple Dusk
40 %
Chikako Cool Mint
40 %
Chikako Honey Gold
40 %
Chikako Purple Tie Dye
40 %
Caio Charleston Floral
40 %
Caera Watercolours
40 %
Cay White
40 %
Cay Alpine Glow
40 %
Celia Yin Yang Mini
40 %
Clarabelle Submarine
40 %
Cicely Retro Blue
40 %
Cissa Flame Car
40 %
Calyita Rainbow Waves
40 %
Cally White
40 %
Cally Tennis Green
40 %
Cally Confetti
40 %
Camilo Folklore
40 %
Candidi Alpine Glow
40 %
Caisi Sea Carousel
40 %
Comosita Team 2024
40 %
Chiyo Twillight Island
40 %
Candece Tropical Islands
40 %
Cleopatra Confetti
40 %
Cleo Spray Yin Yang
50 %
Casie Wild Yin Yang
40 %
Casie Yin Yang Kitten
50 %
Cathi Red Clay
40 %
Nica Sea Shell
40 %
Adara Bumblebee
40 %
Angelina Nautical Bow
40 %
Almira With Love
40 %
Aretha Watercolours
40 %
Ami Alpine Glow
40 %
Alexa Cool Mint
40 %
Alexa Candy Floss
40 %
Alexa Chambrey Sand
40 %
Adan Simple Yin Yang
40 %
Adan Candy Floss
40 %
Adda Tropical Islands
40 %
Marge Charleston Blue
40 %
Maxi Three Friends
40 %
Miki Rainbow Waves
40 %
Monti Simple Yin Yang
40 %
Marilee Chalk Green
40 %
Marge Glitter Palms
40 %
Marge Sea Shell
40 %
Maxi Island Horse
40 %
Marge Retro Blue
40 %
Jade 2-Pack Green Palms
40 %
Jemma 2-Pack Islands Confetti
40 %
Jeanie 2-Pack Shell Rainbows
40 %
Ronja Lilac Smile
40 %
Raelyn Wild Nature
40 %
Roberta Ink Blue
40 %
Roberta Retro Blue
40 %
Rebecca White
40 %
Rebecca Black
40 %
Rebecca Red Clay
40 %
Rebecca Purple Dusk
40 %
Ranja Alpine Glow
40 %
Ranja Skyride
40 %
Ranja Purple Pink
40 %
Ranja Submarine
40 %
Ragnhilde Wild Horses
40 %
Reca Fluffy Rose
40 %
Ritta Cool Mint
40 %
Ritta Honey Gold
40 %
Ritta Purple Tie Dye
40 %
Ritza White
40 %
Ritza Ink Blue
40 %
Ritza Alpine Glow
40 %
Rabecke Green Tie Dye
40 %
Reca Muted Rose
40 %
Reca Moss Green
40 %
Ranva Black
40 %
Renate Purple Shadow
40 %
Renate Calm
40 %
Rochelle Rosie Sand
40 %
Rhoda Navy Sky
40 %
Rida Rosie Sand
40 %
Barbera Floral Peach
40 %
Boletta Rosie Sand
40 %
Britta Aura Hearts
40 %
Bitta Painted Stripes
40 %
Christal Muted Rose
40 %
Christal Moss Green
50 %
Cosette Moss Green
50 %
Cosette Dusty Rose
50 %
Cille Purple Shadow
50 %
Cille Calm
40 %
Casie Retro Stripe Big
50 %
Camie Artist Flowers
50 %
Caro Muted Rose
50 %
Caro Navy Sky
50 %
Credence Lhama Joy Jersey
50 %
Creola Lhama Joy Jersey
40 %
Marika Floral Peach
40 %
Marge Heart Smiles
40 %
Marge Navy Sky
40 %
Jade 2-Pack Mimosa Cloud
40 %
Janice Set Mini Aura Hearts
40 %
Sammy Forget Me Not
40 %
Sammy Grass Green
40 %
Sammy Calm
40 %
Sammy Twilight
40 %
Fossie Carousel Horse
40 %
Frannie Flower Love
40 %
Foss Garden Body
40 %
Frances Red Horses
40 %
Faye White
40 %
Faye Alpine Glow
40 %
Faye Red Clay
40 %
Floris Carousel Suit
40 %
Felicia Flower Love
40 %
Fifi Bumblebee
40 %
Fifi Red Horses
40 %
Roslyn Bumblebee
40 %
Cibi Purple Tie Dye
40 %
Cibi Rose Tie Dye
40 %
Caitlin Baby Rainbow
40 %
Caitlin Pale dawn
40 %
Cimi Black
40 %
Cimi Classic green
40 %
Cimi Alpine Glow
40 %
Cimi Confetti
40 %
Cachea Bumblebee
40 %
Carolle Airy
40 %
Cosimo Carousel Dress
40 %
Channi Alpine Glow
40 %
Catja Multi Colours
40 %
Catja Flower Love
40 %
Channi Multi Colours
40 %
Carin Line of Hearts
40 %
Carel Red Horses
40 %
Charmaine Red Horses
40 %
Charmaine Red Hearts_ jersey
40 %
Candi Yin Yang Kitten
40 %
Candi Little Garden
40 %
Nette solid Fluffy Rose
40 %
Nette solid Alpine Glow
40 %
Nette solid Sea Shell
40 %
Stefanie Red Horses
40 %
Sona Artichoke Mini
40 %
Simeon Carousel Mini
40 %
Susanne Garden Pants
40 %
Susanne Kitten Pants
40 %
Selena Red Horses
40 %
Disc Clover Foal
40 %
Disc Red Hearts
40 %
Elly Carousel Top
40 %
Elly Flower Love
40 %
Elina Kitten Clover
40 %
Elina Red Horses
40 %
Emma Red Hearts_ jersey
40 %
Elly Flower Horse
40 %
Elina Flower Horse
40 %
Fie Mini Floral
40 %
Fahari Mini Aura Hearts
40 %
Caitlin Muted Rose
40 %
Carel Mini Floral
40 %
Susanne Flowers Vine
40 %
Dana Pearled Ivory
40 %
Ram Black
40 %
Ram Universe
40 %
Reef Ember Sand
40 %
Riley Waves of Joy
40 %
Ever Pacific
40 %
Easy Aquarelle Blobs
40 %
Rame Pacific
40 %
Eivor Reef Stripe
40 %
Enzo Sea Shell
40 %
Enzo Coccinella
40 %
Easy Living Garden
40 %
Easy Tropic Sea T
40 %
Eyou Under The Sea
40 %
Relz Black Lemon
40 %
Relz Turquoise Sand
40 %
Enoz Forget Me Not
40 %
Eloy Joy of Music
40 %
Foss Multi Colours
40 %
Foss Aquarelle Blobs
40 %
From Multi Colours
40 %
Fu Sea Shell
40 %
Fu Coccinella
40 %
Fenez Multi Colours
40 %
Somos Pacific
40 %
Somos Forget Me Not
40 %
Simms Airy
40 %
Simms Sea Shell
40 %
Solar Under The Sea
40 %
Simroy Tropic Sea SH
40 %
Adian Summer Sand
40 %
Alw Black
40 %
Alw Ember
40 %
Alw Sour Lemon
40 %
Adian Variety Hearts
40 %
Adian Waves of Joy
40 %
Adian Purple Pink Dye
40 %
Skie Grass Stripe
40 %
Skie Reef Stripe
40 %
Amil Diffriends
40 %
Sun Pacific
40 %
Sun Forget Me Not
40 %
Sun Grass Green
40 %
Alvar Black
40 %
Sammy Joy of Music
40 %
Sammy Multi Colours
40 %
Seb Aquarelle Blobs
40 %
Simeon Pacific Dye
40 %
Simeon Blue Heart
40 %
Simeon Happy Notes
40 %
Saxon Grass Stripe
40 %
Saxon Reef Stripe
40 %
Sabb Tropic Sea Pant
40 %
Mike Black
40 %
Mike Sour Lemon
40 %
Monti Waves of Joy
40 %
Dear Tie Dye Melody
40 %
Disc Blue Heart
40 %
Disc Happy Notes
40 %
Disc Coccinella
40 %
Moz Purple Pink
40 %
Sold out
Lex Yin Yang Confetti
40 %
Sold out
Lex Smiles White
40 %
Sold out
Lexi Yin Yang Confetti
40 %
Riley Black
40 %
Riley Peaceful
40 %
Roxo Sassafras
40 %
Rodney Colour Mash
40 %
Rodney Pink Magic
40 %
Riley Warp Speed
40 %
Roxo Adult Black
40 %
Relz Black Moss
40 %
Enzi Twilight
40 %
Eloy Living Tree
40 %
Rube Night Sky Dye
40 %
Rube Symbols
40 %
Foss Rainbow
40 %
Foss Twilight
40 %
Enoz Moss Green
40 %
Enoz Calm
40 %
Fenez Happy Sandy
40 %
Floppy Ridge
40 %
Alvar Black
40 %
Simeon Pearled Ivory
40 %
Foss Cute Rabbits
40 %
Simeon Sun Tie Dye
40 %
Sigo Ridge
40 %
Sois Calm
40 %
Mike Black
40 %
Monti Pink Magic
40 %
Dear Sun Tie Dye
40 %
Sold out
Lex Rose Retro
40 %
Noel Pacific
40 %
Noel Grass Green
40 %
Nomly Multi Colours
40 %
Nomly Sea Shell
40 %
Sold out
Wyn Reef Blue
40 %
Sold out
Wyn Confetti
40 %
Sold out
Wave Dino Fantastic
40 %
Sold out
Wave Smiles Blue
40 %
Ams Tawny Brown
40 %
Ams Sphagnum
40 %
Jinny Set Pearled Ivory
40 %
Jinny Set Blue Sky
40 %
Jinny Set Burnt Ochre
40 %
Jade 2-Pack Rose Impala
40 %
Lovely Meadow Baby
40 %
Rica Space Grey
40 %
Rachelle Pearled Ivory
40 %
Ranva Love You
40 %
Ranva Blue Smile
40 %
Ranva Velvet Poppy
40 %
Rabecke Space happy AOP
50 %
Caly Space happy AOP
40 %
Marika Space Happy
40 %
Marge Greymelange Life
40 %
Jinny Set Velvety
40 %
Jinny Set Fluffy Rose
40 %
Jade 2-Pack Lilac Branches
40 %
Enoz Earthy
40 %
Eloy Sweet Hazel
40 %
Eloy Kawaii Universe
40 %
Eloy Fern Encounter
40 %
Eloy Earth Smile
40 %
Eloy Football Smile
40 %
Eloy Kawaiii Planet
40 %
Foss Fern Encounter
40 %
Foss Kawaii Cosmos
40 %
Fenez Kawaiii Planet
40 %
Fowo Kawaiii Planet
40 %
Sammy Sphagnum
40 %
Simeon Planets
40 %
Simeon Tawny Brown
40 %
Simeon Swirl Baby
40 %
Sabb Dormouse
40 %
Sabb Fern Climbers
40 %
Sammy Kawaiii Planet
40 %
Dear Swirl Baby
40 %
Elina Hibernation
40 %
Elsa Little Fox
40 %
Foss Peaceful Birds
40 %
Fallon Mini Squirrel
40 %
Carin Birds on a Twig
40 %
Candi Dried Flora
40 %
Chocho Bloom
40 %
Chocho Mini Squirrel
40 %
Selena Hibernation
40 %
Shona Gathering
40 %
Sona Mini Birds
40 %
Dicte Mini Birds
40 %
Dorothy Gathering
40 %
Earth Galaxy Blue
40 %
Earth Fluffy Rose
40 %
Earth Mint
40 %
Faros Happy Graphic
40 %
Faros Star Maps
40 %
Faros Stars
40 %
Foss Moon
40 %
Foss Sailor
40 %
Foss Mini Squirrel
40 %
Foss Earthy
40 %
Faros Fluffy Rose
40 %
Foss 2-Pack Star Moon
40 %
Foss 2-Pack Fluffy Bloom
40 %
Foss 2-Pack Stars Earthy
40 %
Foss Footballs Blue
40 %
Faso Stars
40 %
Fellow Galaxy Blue
40 %
Fellow Fluffy Rose
40 %
Saxon Blue Brown
40 %
Am Black
40 %
Am Frozen Lilac
40 %
San Mini Squirrel
40 %
San Happy Graphic
40 %
San Stars
40 %
Samantha Rose Mist
40 %
Samantha Sphagnum
40 %
Am Be Astronaut
40 %
Simeon Grey melange
40 %
Dory Rose Mist
40 %
Disc Old Gold
40 %
Sold out
Luve Red Ochre
40 %
Sold out
Luve Old Gold
40 %
Wyn Powder
40 %
Wyn Naval Blue
40 %
Wyn Almond
40 %
Neci hat and bib set Fluffy Rose
40 %
Nedi Fluffy Rose
40 %
Ned Hat and Bib Set Kawaiii Planet
40 %
Am Starlight
40 %
Foss Cuddles
40 %
Carel Bramble Rose
40 %
Carel Hibernation
40 %
Foss Berry Bouquet
40 %
Mattis Hands
40 %
Janis Impala
40 %
Luve Heritage Blue
40 %
Luve Hazy Sun
40 %
Now All Smiles
40 %
Alfreda Horse Camo Lilac
40 %
Barbera Rosa
40 %
Britta Future Earth
40 %
Benete Poetic Flora
50 %
Camie Botanical Canvas
50 %
Cherry Poetic Landscape
40 %
Frances Hibernation
40 %
Flavia Bloom
40 %
Charmaine Hibernation
40 %
Crystala Night Purple
40 %
Rube Under the Sun
40 %
Reinette Moth Grey
40 %
Renate Purple Black
40 %
Renate Forest Rose
40 %
Renate Twillight Blue
40 %
Brisa Flower Stripe
50 %
Cille Purple Black
50 %
Cille Woodland Green
50 %
Cille Forest Rose
50 %
Cille Twillight Blue
40 %
Credence Fantastic Fungi
50 %
Caro Moss Green
40 %
Marge Mushroom Fun
40 %
Elsa Fungi Group
40 %
Foss Fungi Friends
40 %
Candi Nighttime
40 %
Candi Flower Rain mini
40 %
Crystala Forest Rose
40 %
Stefanie Mini Fungi
40 %
Sona Chocolate Daisy
40 %
Susanne Forest Fun
40 %
Riley I`m Not a Robot
40 %
Enoz Navy Sky
40 %
Am Growth
40 %
Sabb Tree Root
40 %
Monti Smile on Nature
40 %
Memphis Growth
40 %
Derry Ground
40 %
Maxx Dark Dyes
40 %
Sois Moss Green
40 %
Ranva Little Heart
40 %
Eloy Rabbit Life
40 %
Candi Mimosa Bunnies
40 %
Crystala Moss Green
40 %
Foss Fungi Friends
40 %
Foss Mini Fungi
40 %
Sois Navy Sky
40 %
Corey Forest Border
40 %
Calypso Jumping Bunnies
20 %
Celina Brown Sugar
20 %
Caitlin Dark Rose
20 %
Crystala Flamingo Plume
20 %
Cele Pine Check
20 %
Carel Aquarelle Cats
20 %
Charmaine Aquarelle Cats
20 %
Foss Jumping Kittens
20 %
Francesca Mid Blue Wash
20 %
Foss Aquarelle Cats
20 %
Florina Aquarelle Cats
20 %
Chantelle Sugar Check
20 %
Charmaine Teddy Friends
20 %
Carel Teddy Friends
20 %
Fallon Hellebore
20 %
Florina Hellebore
20 %
Faye Flamingo Plume
20 %
Carel Hellebore
20 %
Charmaine Hellebore
20 %
Simeon Happy Pixels
20 %
Seb Pixel Smiles
20 %
Simeon Lovely Floral
20 %
Candi Friendly Zebra
20 %
Caitlin Mini Hellebore
20 %
Candi Mini Hellebore
20 %
Candi Fluffy Puppies
20 %
Selena Aquarelle Cats
20 %
Selena Little Flowers
20 %
Selena Papillon Pants
20 %
Simeon Dark Rose
20 %
Sois Brown Sugar
20 %
Sigo Brown Sugar
20 %
Sois Pine Check
20 %
Foss Teddy Friends
20 %
Fenez Teddy Friends
20 %
Foss Pixel Smiles
20 %
Fenez Pixel Smiles
20 %
Fairfax Happy Balloons
20 %
Foss Furry Friends_Body
20 %
Foss Balloon BearCub
20 %
Foss Polar Cub
20 %
Saxon Oceanic Stripe
20 %
Sois Bronze Check
20 %
Sammy Snowy Bears
20 %
Simeon Smiling Balloons
20 %
Simeon Teddy Friends
20 %
Seb Teddy Friends
20 %
Simeon Blush Papillions
20 %
Simeon Tie Dye Play
20 %
Adan Grey melange
20 %
Simeon Grey melange
20 %
Alvar Lapis Blue
20 %
Alvar Black
20 %
Sabb Polar Cubs
20 %
Sabb Balloon Cub
20 %
Simeon Birch Bears
20 %
Simeon Teddy Friend
20 %
Sae Mid Blue Wash
20 %
Sois Calm Fjord
20 %
Simeon Calm Fjord
20 %
Simeon Teddy Friend Grey
20 %
Stefanie Aquarelle Cats
20 %
Disc Floral Zebra
20 %
Foss Papillion Body
20 %
Fairfax Single Butterfly
20 %
Eline Papillon Puppy
20 %
Elina Papillon Puppy
20 %
Selena Hellebore
20 %
Elina Hellebore
20 %
Elina Aquarelle Cats
20 %
Disc Blush Papillions
20 %
Cille Black
20 %
Cathi Black
20 %
Adan Shocking Pink
20 %
Alexa Mid Blue Wash
20 %
Bonnie Sporty Cats
20 %
Brenda Surreal Beings
20 %
Adriana Grey melange
20 %
Aliki Black
20 %
Sammy Calm Fjord
20 %
Cille Vibrant Blue
20 %
Cille Aventurine
20 %
Cathi Peacock Blue
20 %
Cissa Hellebore
20 %
Credence Hellebore
20 %
Camie Hellebore
20 %
Casie Zebra Denim
20 %
Corelie Garden of Plenty
20 %
Credence Garden of Plenty
20 %
Chia Garden of Plenty
20 %
Credence Les Papillons
20 %
Camie Les Papillons
20 %
Corvina Spray Waves
20 %
Cassida BuddLeja Garden
20 %
Credence BuddLeja Garden
20 %
Camie BuddLeja Garden
20 %
Casie Flutters of Love
20 %
Bellis Velvety
20 %
Brigitte Accelerating Smiles
20 %
Adan BuddLeja Garden
20 %
Annelisa Studio Birds
20 %
Barbera Hellebore Black
20 %
Barbera Flutters of Love
20 %
Cicela Wild Hellebore
20 %
Casie Dressed Up
20 %
Casie Surreal Beings
20 %
Cissa Sporty Cats
20 %
Casie Sporty Cats
20 %
Credence Avant-garde
20 %
Credence Bringing Gifts
20 %
Casie Night Butterflies
20 %
Cissa Wavy Roses
20 %
Casie Wavy Roses
20 %
Cissa Fruit Doves dark
20 %
Cyrella Pegasus
20 %
Cyrella Night Dove
20 %
Carola Lapis Blue
20 %
Cillie Lapis Blue
20 %
Choly Accelerating Smiles
20 %
Christal Pink Lavender
20 %
Cleopatra Dark Rose
20 %
Cathi Baya Pink
20 %
Ranva Black
20 %
Renate Black
20 %
Renate Baya Pink
20 %
Rochelle Lapis Mouliné
20 %
Reniza Avant-garde
20 %
Reniza Magic Sunset
20 %
Reniza Shooting Stars
20 %
Roxo World Play Heart
20 %
Reinette Glitter Together
20 %
Reniza Busy Buddleja
20 %
Roxo Wild Smile
20 %
Reniza Bringing Gifts
20 %
Reniza Rainbow Friend
20 %
Rayah Fruit Doves
20 %
Ragnhilde Bonjour
20 %
Reniza Bonjour
20 %
Reniza Sporty Cats
20 %
Caiosi Velvety
20 %
Caela Mid Blue Wash
20 %
Jade 2-Pack Leafy Lavender
20 %
Jana 2-Pack Leafy Lavender
20 %
Jemma 2-Pack Hellebore Rose
20 %
Jeanie 2-Pack Hellebore Rose
20 %
Jemma 2-Pack Kitten Lavender
20 %
Lovely Lavender Aquarelle
20 %
Margie Whisper Pink
20 %
Maxi Pink Lavender
20 %
Monti Shocking Pink
20 %
Marika BuddLeja Garden
20 %
Marika Hellebore Black
20 %
Mazzelina Accelerating Smiles
20 %
Marge Spray Waves
20 %
Marge Studio Birds
20 %
Malinda Grey melange
20 %
Marge Grey melange
20 %
Marika Aventurine
20 %
Marge Flamingo Plume
20 %
Niki Garden of Plenty
20 %
Marge Sequin Bow
20 %
Mountoo Pony Friend
20 %
Marcella Giant Butterfly
20 %
Marge Vibe Check
20 %
Marge Sequin Hearts
20 %
Niki Sporty Cats
20 %
Niki Shooting Stars
20 %
Amal Praire sand
20 %
Rochelle Whisper Pink
20 %
Rochelle Sporting Green
20 %
Reca Pink Lavender
20 %
Renate Vibrant Blue
20 %
Renate Aventurine
20 %
Rhiannon Petal Blush
20 %
Rochelle Petal Blush
20 %
Mary Feathers
20 %
Raphaella Mid Blue Wash
20 %
Rose BuddLeja Garden
20 %
Rose Les Papillons
20 %
Raina Les Papillons
20 %
Rimona Hellebore
20 %
Rhona Hellebore
20 %
Rose Hellebore
20 %
Rhona Garden of Plenty
20 %
Rose Garden of Plenty
20 %
Raina Garden of Plenty
20 %
Rono Black
20 %
Riley Balancing
20 %
Rube Screens placed
20 %
Roxo You Win
20 %
Rube You Win
20 %
Riley More Than___
20 %
Riley Game Over
20 %
Rube Game Over White
20 %
Rube Space Helmet
20 %
Riley Imagine Oceanic
20 %
Roxo Rhino
20 %
Rexton Puma Green
20 %
Roxo Puma Blue
20 %
Rube UAP encounter
20 %
Rodney Telescope warm
20 %
Rodney In search of___
20 %
Rube Out There black
20 %
Riley Out There light
20 %
Rube UFO Sighting
20 %
Riley Lapis Blue
20 %
Argo Space Grey
20 %
Amor Black
20 %
Adani Black
20 %
Afon Black
20 %
Amor Praire sand
20 %
Jayden 2-pack Dinos Calm
20 %
Jayden 2-pack Ponderosa Mix
20 %
Justin 2-pack Ponderosa Mix
20 %
Jayden 2-pack Calm Pixels
20 %
Justin 2-pack Calm Pixels
20 %
Adani Adrenaline Rush
20 %
Adan Sports News
20 %
Adan Cartooniverse
20 %
Adan Big Smiles navy
20 %
Adan Everything is
20 %
Amor Growth
20 %
Argo Growth
20 %
Adani Growth
20 %
Riley Worldplay
20 %
Rube World Play
20 %
Rube Fast Game
20 %
Riley Virtual Scenery
20 %
Reif Virtual Setting
20 %
Rube Playing Dinos
20 %
Reif Polar Bear
20 %
Rodney Ball Trio
20 %
Rube Smiling Pixels
20 %
Reif Telescope
20 %
Rodney VR Headset
20 %
Riley Smile Pixel
20 %
Riley Sunny Skaters
20 %
Riley Pixel Alien
20 %
Miksi Red Sky Leopard
20 %
Monti Pixelscape
20 %
Mattis Green Sky Skate
20 %
Maxx VR Headset
20 %
Miksi Virtual World
20 %
Mattis Faster Game
20 %
Magni White Noise
20 %
Magni Fiery
20 %
Memphis Brilliance
20 %
Memphis Adrenaline Rush
20 %
Magni Growth
20 %
Monti Colour Play
20 %
Monti Pixelhagen
20 %
Monti Big Smiles navy
20 %
Monti Cartooniverse
20 %
Monti Screens
20 %
Maxx Sports News
20 %
Mattis Animal Mix
20 %
Ralphie Virtual Reality
20 %
Romo Virtual Reality
20 %
Rill Virtual Reality
20 %
Ralphie Dinoverse
20 %
Romo Dinoverse
20 %
Rill Dinoverse
20 %
Romeo Dinoverse
20 %
Ralphie Mixed Animals
20 %
Rodney Sports News
20 %
Rozzy Dragon Check
20 %
Rozzy Oceanic Check
20 %
Riley Big Smiles light
20 %
Rodney Colour Play
20 %
Rodney Pixelhagen
20 %
Rilder Oceanic Stripe
20 %
Rodney Tooniverse
20 %
Riley Animal Mix
20 %
Renley Brilliance Rush
20 %
Ron Nightshade Pine
20 %
Riley Oceanic
20 %
Roxo Black
20 %
Rodney Black
20 %
Rodney Dye Divided
20 %
Roxo Lapis Blue
20 %
Rodney Mouse Over
20 %
Eloy Furry Friends_Tee
20 %
Eloy Polar Bear Cubs
20 %
Eloy Balloon Bear
20 %
Enzi Calm Fjord
20 %
Roxo White Noise
20 %
Roxo Fresh Pine
20 %
Relz White Pine
20 %
Relz Ocean Blue
20 %
Edarko Oceanic Stripe
20 %
Riley Green Pixels
20 %
Enzi Pixel Smiles
20 %
Eloy Snowy Bears
20 %
Eloy Set Snowy Bears
20 %
Monti Green Pixels
20 %
Disc Smiling Balloons
20 %
Disc Happy Pixels
20 %
Disc set Happy Pixels
20 %
Disc Teddy Friends
20 %
Enoz Pine Check
20 %
Enoz Calm Fjord
20 %
Enoz Bronze Check
20 %
Disc set Birch Tree Bear
20 %
Adian Grey melange
20 %
Disc Grey melange
20 %
Dazzle Grey melange
20 %
Dear Tie Dye Play
20 %
Enoz Brown Sugar
20 %
Dirk Brown Sugar
20 %
Disc Calm Fjord
20 %
Mike Fresh Pine
20 %
Eloy Happy Balloons
20 %
Enzi Teddy Friends
20 %
Riley Pixelated Smiles
20 %
Rube Pixelated Smiles
20 %
Mike Black
20 %
Maxx Black
20 %
Mike Lapis Blue
20 %
Disc Teddy Friend
20 %
Disc Set Teddy Friend
20 %
Maxx Split Dye
20 %
Wyn Ponderosa Pine
20 %
Wyn Pink Lavender
20 %
Wyn Calm Fjord
20 %
Wave Emoji Pixel
20 %
Maxx Fresh Pine
20 %
Carola Warm Purple
20 %
Rodney All Things
20 %
Riley Playful Dinosaur
20 %
Riley Out there
20 %
Riley Grading Smile
20 %
Mattis Polar Night
20 %
Mattis Dino Play
20 %
Monti All Things
20 %
Mountoo Telescope
20 %
Memphis Stripy Dye
20 %
Magni UFO Sighting
20 %
Maxx Everything is
20 %
Renate Peacock Blue
20 %
Riana Black
20 %
Riana Flamingo Plume
20 %
Barbera Flowers of the Sky
20 %
Bellis Black
20 %
Bellis Sporting Green
20 %
Bev Pale Folklore
20 %
Casie Magic Sunset
20 %
Caiosi Sporting Green
20 %
Cerena Black
20 %
Cinna Brown Sugar
20 %
Camilla Pink Folklore
20 %
Cherice Hello
20 %
Adan Zebra Green
20 %
Angie Flamingo Plume
20 %
Monti Zebra Green
20 %
Marge Flowers of the Sky
20 %
Maxi Hello
20 %
Maxi Fancy Cat
20 %
Faye Vibrant Blue
20 %
Colleta Adrenaline Rush
20 %
Candi Blue Kittens
20 %
Candi Velvety Kittens
20 %
Crystala Vibrant Blue
20 %
Corey Kitten Star Blue
20 %
Corey Blush Cat
20 %
Simeon Kitten Star Dusty
20 %
Sona Sky Flowers
20 %
Disc Kitten Star Dusty
20 %
Dana Sky Flowers
20 %
Forest White Noise
20 %
Enoz Ponderosa Pine
20 %
Sois Ponderosa Pine
20 %
Simeon Snowy Cubs
20 %
Simeon Polar Bears
20 %
Adan Out there
20 %
Adan Blue Dark dye
20 %
Same Velvety Stripe
20 %
Simeon Tie Dye Circle
20 %
Sigo White Noise
20 %
Simeon Oceanic
20 %
Disc Snowy Bear Cubs
20 %
Disc Polar Bears
20 %
Monti Out there
20 %
Monti Blue Dark dye
20 %
Do Velvety Stripe
20 %
Dear Tie Dye Circle
20 %
Deary White Noise
20 %
Disc Oceanic
20 %
Deary Set White Noise
20 %
Maxx Colour Eclipse
40 %
Arrow Peace All Over
40 %
Robine White
40 %
Air Fresh Tie Dye
40 %
Ayla Soft Sand
40 %
Alida Vanilla
40 %
Eyou Sunrise Smiles
40 %
Easy Animal Earth
40 %
Easy Ancient Ocean
40 %
Enez Animal Earth
40 %
From Ancient Ocean
40 %
Solar Sunrise Smiles
40 %
Simroy Ancient Ocean
40 %
Elly Apples Mini
40 %
Emma Strawberries Mini
40 %
Eva Cubs Harmony
40 %
Elina Baby Roses
40 %
Frannie Baby Roses
40 %
Felicia Apples Mini
40 %
Felicia Baby Roses
40 %
Carin Fairy Ponies
40 %
Channi Strawberries Mini
40 %
Coletta Flowery Foal
40 %
Channi Apples Mini
40 %
Channi Baby Roses
40 %
Catja Apples Mini
40 %
Cordelia Sweet Parakeet
40 %
Cimi Windy
40 %
Caitlin Peach
40 %
Coral Cubs Harmony
40 %
Carel Cubs Harmony
40 %
Carel Baby Roses
40 %
Candi Treetop Cubs baby
40 %
Selena Baby Roses
40 %
Reef Black Bubblegum
40 %
Enzo Popcorn
40 %
Easy Swirly Tie Dye
40 %
Easy Iced Blue
40 %
Easy Ducklings
40 %
Elan Sunny Smiles
40 %
Elan Overcast
40 %
Eloy Ducklings Life
40 %
Elit Overcast
40 %
Fabulous Trutti Frutti
40 %
Foss Peace All Over
40 %
Foss Ducklings Life
40 %
Foss Happy Turtle
40 %
Foss 2-Pack Pear Strawberries
40 %
Free Sunny Smiles
40 %
From Ducklings
40 %
Fenez Peace All Over
40 %
Simms Iced Blue
40 %
Simms Naturelle
40 %
Simms Shoots
40 %
Simeon Shoots
40 %
San Swirly Tie Dye
40 %
Seb Peace All Over
40 %
Seb Trutti Frutti
40 %
Sabb Beach Turtles
40 %
Sabb Three Animals
40 %
Serene Ducklings
40 %
Disc Soft Tie Dye
40 %
Nomly Iced Blue
40 %
Nizana Strawberries Mini
40 %
Nizana Apples Mini
40 %
Foss Flying Foal
40 %
Fie Apples Mini
40 %
Stefanie Apples Mini
40 %
Easy Naturelle
40 %
Edarko Cardboard Stripe
40 %
Earth Pearled Ivory
40 %
Simeon White Star
40 %
Sabb Three Ducklings
40 %
Crystala Powder
40 %
Foss Overcast
40 %
Saxon Cardboard Stripe
40 %
Nette solid Nebula
40 %
Nette solid Powder
40 %
Shona Mini Blue Flowers
40 %
Simeon Soft Tie Dye
40 %
Rube PeaceLoveSmile
40 %
Foss Baby Roses
40 %
Foss Red Baby Panda
40 %
Ray Ocean Explore
40 %
Riley Earth Pictures
40 %
Rodney Sequence Skate
40 %
Rodney Frog Wrestlers
40 %
Rodney Fruit Stickers
40 %
Avart Atlas Tie Dye
40 %
Aster Peace All Over
40 %
Afon Indigo
40 %
Ams Indigo
40 %
Raelyn Passion For Life
40 %
Ranja Vanilla
40 %
Reca Sun Power
40 %
Reba Tropical Fruits
40 %
Ragnhilde Passion
40 %
Rica White
40 %
Rica Terracotta
40 %
Rica Vanilla
40 %
Rica Wild Orchid
40 %
Ranva White
40 %
Reinette Charcoal
40 %
Reen Soft Sand
40 %
Bree Stay Sunny
40 %
Barbera Rosegarden Lilac
40 %
Brenda Fluttering Horses
40 %
Chadee Passion For Life
40 %
Chadee Tie Dye Vertical
40 %
Chadee Tropical
40 %
Cayla Passion For Life
40 %
Cayla Passion
40 %
Cat Clementine Roses
40 %
Cat Windy
40 %
Cat Wild Orchid
40 %
Casey Tropical
40 %
Cissa Space Smiles
40 %
Chloey White
40 %
Chloey Cardboard
40 %
Chloey Sun Power
40 %
Chloey Pale Pear
40 %
Chloey Apple Red
40 %
Christal Black
40 %
Cloudia Jolly Tie Dye
40 %
Cloudia Sunset Pink
40 %
Cloudia Fresh
40 %
Cloudia Papaya
40 %
Cece Lapis Blue
40 %
Cece Powder
40 %
Cece Sunset Pink
40 %
Cece Vanilla
40 %
Cece Fresh Tie Dye
40 %
Calipsa Windy
50 %
Christiana Bright Rose
50 %
Caio Flower Field
40 %
Calyita Stay Sunny
40 %
Cassia Pastels Shapes
40 %
Casta Mandarins
40 %
Chasity Rose Garden
40 %
Carli Fruitilicious
50 %
Cixi Cloudy Poppies
50 %
Cassiopeia Amazing Earth
50 %
Casie Savannah Life
50 %
Cordelle Stripy Savannah
50 %
Camie Rose Garden
40 %
Aretha Tie Dye Vertical
40 %
Easy Baby Jeeps
40 %
Fairfax Animal Earth
40 %
Sammy Indigo
40 %
Sammy Animal Earth
40 %
Sammy Baby Jeeps
40 %
Sammy Ancient Ocean
40 %
Foss Apples Mini
40 %
Cimi Apple Red
40 %
Nette solid Windy
40 %
Nette solid Terracotta
40 %
Susanne Rose Vine
40 %
Dorothy Mini Blue Flowers
40 %
Roxo Peace Chart
40 %
Riley Love Dye
40 %
Riley Easy Peacy
40 %
Riley Sandy Shapes
40 %
Riley Pink Swirl
40 %
Rodney Meadow
40 %
Rhiannon Sunset Tie Dye
40 %
Rhiannon Naturelle
40 %
Riley Naturelle
40 %
Edarko Atlas Stripe
40 %
Faros Sunny Smiles
40 %
Adian Papaya
40 %
Saxon Atlas Stripe
40 %
Simeon Iced Blue
40 %
Alvar Black
40 %
San Pearled Ivory
40 %
Disc White Star
40 %
Monti Colour Stripes
40 %
Monti Fresh Peace
40 %
Sold out
Luvis Meadow
40 %
Sold out
Lexi Cherry Night
40 %
Sold out
Lex Cherry Night
40 %
Sold out
Wyn Pearled Ivory
40 %
Sold out
Wyn Atlas Blue
40 %
Wave Peace Smile
40 %
Sold out
Wave Appel Grey
40 %
Roxo Rainbow Spray
40 %
Candidi Ink Blue
40 %
Mike Warm Swirl
40 %
Foss Mini Aura Hearts
40 %
Foss Peace Flowers
40 %
Carrie Butterfly Horse
40 %
Ranja Jolly Tie Dye
40 %
Sois Earthy
40 %
Sold out
Wave Dino Dawn
40 %
Wave Happy Blue
40 %
Sold out
Wyn Calm
40 %
Sold out
Wyn Dark Sky
40 %
Randon Palm Happy
40 %
Rame Tie Dye Spin
40 %
Roxo Desert Dinos
40 %
Roxo Iced Blue
40 %
Riley White
40 %
Riley Staying Sunny
40 %
Riley Skate Now
40 %
Road Indigo
40 %
Riley Freedom Surf
40 %
Riley Skate Heart
40 %
Riley Blue Grotto
40 %
Roxo White
40 %
Roxo Surf Jeep
40 %
Rube Make Peace
40 %
Aliases Black
40 %
Aliases Indigo
40 %
Aliases Iced Blue
40 %
Avart Free Skate
40 %
Adian Skate Life
40 %
Mar Black
40 %
Magni Indigo
40 %
Magni Iced Blue
40 %
Riley Pangolin
40 %
Riley Horizon
40 %
Rodney UFO rainbow
40 %
Rodney Ridge
40 %
Rodney World Peace
40 %
Roxo Sun Power
40 %
Rube Screen Mood
40 %
Rube Sandy
40 %
Rube Dark Sky
40 %
Rube Naturelle
40 %
Magni Sunflower
40 %
Mountoo Dino Planet
40 %
Monti Black
40 %
Maxx Horizon
40 %
Cat Bubblegum
40 %
Roberta Wild Orchid
40 %
Rebecca White
40 %
Rebecca Black
40 %
Rebecca Windy
40 %
Rebecca Cardboard
40 %
Rebecca Bright Rose
40 %
Rebecca Muted Rose
40 %
Ranja Sunset Pink
40 %
Ranja Fresh
40 %
Ranja Papaya
40 %
Ranja Pale Pear
40 %
Monti On Fire
40 %
Rosie Love Rainbow
40 %
Reca Candy Floss
40 %
Casey Blue Garden
40 %
Jayden 2-pack Indigo Animal
40 %
Maxi Nordic Sequin
40 %
Riley Basket Net
40 %
Rebecca Confetti
40 %
Rosie Four Hearts
40 %
Sold out
Luvis Reef Blue
40 %
Sold out
Luvis Confetti
20 %
Riley Goal!
40 %
Barbera Artichoke
40 %
Randon Palm Spray Face
40 %
Riley Palmtree Love
40 %
Rill Basket Colour
40 %
Arrow Reef Blue
40 %
Arrow Pacific
40 %
Air Papaya
40 %
Cloudia Pacific
40 %
Air Confetti
40 %
Ami White
40 %
Elly Garden Top
40 %
Fallon Red Hearts_ jersey
40 %
Disc Carousel Mini
40 %
Selena Bramble Rose
40 %
Calypso Chocolate Daisy
40 %
Roxo Sour Lemon
40 %
Rame Helio
40 %
Eloy Living Garden
40 %
Foss Tropic Sea Body
40 %
Finn Tropic Sea Suit
40 %
Sabb Love Music Pant
40 %
Soyo Earth Galaxy
40 %
Sold out
Luve Dark Sky
40 %
Now Bramble Grey
40 %
Maddy Grey melange
40 %
Sold out
Lexi Happy Peace
What does GOTS certified mean?
GOTS stands for Global Organic Textile Standard and is the most recognized certification of organic textiles worldwide. The GOTS certificate guarantees that a product is completely organic, from the sowing and harvesting of raw materials, to the full finish of the product. This means everything from agriculture, harvesting, production, processing and manufacturing, as well as packaging and branding.
GOTS guarantees that a clothing item is made from 95% certified organic fibres and free of hazardous chemicals that can be toxic, carcinogenic, endocrine disrupting or environmentally harmful. At the same time, GOTS also ensures proper working conditions for farmers and seamstresses, so that they have the right to a wage they can live on - that is, a living wage and not just a minimum wage.
By purchasing GOTS certified products, you help to ensure that the product is produced with great care for the environment and those who manufacture the products.
Read more about GOTS here.
Shop here
GOTS guarantees that a clothing item is made from 95% certified organic fibres and free of hazardous chemicals that can be toxic, carcinogenic, endocrine disrupting or environmentally harmful. At the same time, GOTS also ensures proper working conditions for farmers and seamstresses, so that they have the right to a wage they can live on - that is, a living wage and not just a minimum wage.
By purchasing GOTS certified products, you help to ensure that the product is produced with great care for the environment and those who manufacture the products.
Read more about GOTS here.
What does organic cotton mean?
The production of organic cotton protects the environment from a wide range of harmful chemicals and pesticides. Organic cotton farming does not allow the use of toxic chemicals, pesticides or GMO’s (genetically modified organisms).
Unlike conventional cotton, organic farmers use ancestral farming methods, such as no-till farming, to preserve the nutritional content of the soil. In this way, organic cotton uses up to 88% less water than conventional cotton.
The deselection of pesticides also has a positive impact on the health of the farmers. By growing organic cotton, the farmers are not exposed to toxic chemicals in the field, because they do not spray the cotton with pesticides, thereby avoiding contact with potentially dangerous chemicals.
Shop here
Unlike conventional cotton, organic farmers use ancestral farming methods, such as no-till farming, to preserve the nutritional content of the soil. In this way, organic cotton uses up to 88% less water than conventional cotton.
The deselection of pesticides also has a positive impact on the health of the farmers. By growing organic cotton, the farmers are not exposed to toxic chemicals in the field, because they do not spray the cotton with pesticides, thereby avoiding contact with potentially dangerous chemicals.
Organic clothes can be colourful
Molo has been in the fashion industry for many years and have noticed that many associate organic clothes with colourless or neutral tones - but it doesn’t have to be that way. Organic children’s clothes can be colourful – just like Molo! We have made a short movie in which we explain more about Molo’s GOTS certification and designing colourful, organic children's clothes.
Find the organic products
The easiest way to find the organic products is by selecting the filter 'Organic incl. GOTS' under 'Sustainability' in the filter on each category page. When doing this, you are only shown the products that are made from one of the two types of organic cotton mentioned above.
All organic products on the page are also marked with one of the two organic logos in the corner of each product. It is also mentioned in the product description if the product is organic. In addition, all organic products are also equipped with a physical hang tag with either the GOTS logo or the logo for organic cotton.
Shop here
All organic products on the page are also marked with one of the two organic logos in the corner of each product. It is also mentioned in the product description if the product is organic. In addition, all organic products are also equipped with a physical hang tag with either the GOTS logo or the logo for organic cotton.
Molo takes responsibility
GOTS takes part in UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to achieve better health for everyone and more sustainable economic growth.
Over the past few years, great emphasis has been placed on the environmental impact of the production of clothing. Accordingly, it is positive to have a certification such as GOTS, which indicates that a product is organic, while produced under responsible conditions.
Producing clothes organically protects the health of people, plants and animals. This is completed through organic farming which operates in a way that minimizes environmental impact and prohibits the use of toxic chemicals and pesticides that can end up in the soil, air and water.
This is also why, being 100% organic when it comes to natural materials, such as cotton, is a goal for Molo.
Shop here
Over the past few years, great emphasis has been placed on the environmental impact of the production of clothing. Accordingly, it is positive to have a certification such as GOTS, which indicates that a product is organic, while produced under responsible conditions.
Producing clothes organically protects the health of people, plants and animals. This is completed through organic farming which operates in a way that minimizes environmental impact and prohibits the use of toxic chemicals and pesticides that can end up in the soil, air and water.
This is also why, being 100% organic when it comes to natural materials, such as cotton, is a goal for Molo.
*Certified by Ecocert Greenlife, certification no. 197496.
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