Delivery & Returns

The United States 

Delivery method
Home delivery
Estimated delivery timeShipping cost on orders under $200Shipping cost on orders above $200
FedEx Standard 3-5 Business days $15 Free
FedEx Express

2-3 Business days

$20 $20

We ship all orders from Denmark to the United States via FedEx and aim for same-day dispatch all weekdays. The delivery cost includes packaging and handling fees. 


You can return your order within 30 days of receiving it, including discounted items. For your convenience, we have included a pre-paid return label in your parcel. If you use this return label, we will charge a return fee of $19 per returned order, no matter the amount of returned goods.


All prices on our website include all import duties and applicable taxes. Please note a foreign transaction fee may apply. 


For more information, visit the full Terms & Conditions or contact us at


*Shipping to Alaska and Hawaii may take longer than the estimated time frame.